205.836.0564 [email protected]

The 80% Rule to Changing Lives

According to national statistics, if a woman finds her way to a local pregnancy center first, an ultrasound will encourage her to make a life-affirming decision 80% of the time. If her first stop is an abortion clinic, she will choose abortion 80% of the time. The question is, where will she go first? Advertising to reach these potential clients is something Positive Choices takes very seriously.



Our ministry exists to help individuals with an abortion decision – past, present or in the future. Many individuals who discover Positive Choices ministry are related to an unplanned pregnancy in some way. It could be they have experienced abortion personally or even helped someone else make a past abortion decision. It could be their children are now in an unplanned pregnancy and they need support and information too! Or they are hoping to help an extended family member or friend who is struggling with this past choice. Abortion can impact us all, whether we know it or not.

Positive Choices offers Abortion Recovery ministry services designed to help impacted individuals walk through any subsequent grief and/or emotional pain to find healing through God’s grace and mercy. Many on our team have personally experienced abortion and are now working to help others in similar circumstances. There is no pain that is too great for God to heal. If you, or someone you know is struggling with a past abortion decision, we are here to help. Click here for more information on our Abortion Recovery services. Abortion Recovery


The clock starts ticking the moment a young woman realizes she’s pregnant. It is essential that this individual, as well as the potential father of her baby, make their way in to visit Positive Choices as soon as possible. Positive Choices provides information, resources and services to empower our clients with truth and knowledge about their situation so they can make an educated choice. Through our limited ultrasound services, we offer them a window to the womb and bonding with unborn children often begins immediately. We then provide ongoing support throughout and after pregnancy to ensure the couple is prepared for parenting. It is our great joy to hold these amazing children and realize that God used Positive Choices to bring them into the world for great things! Should a client choose abortion anyway, and struggle afterwards, our Abortion Recovery ministry is there to help them find healing.


When a young woman or couple chooses life for their unborn baby, the journey is initially difficult. Many times the woman or couple do not have a great deal of physical support for a life-affirming decision. Though the thought of a baby might fill them with joy, lack of support can allow fear and doubt to set in. Positive Choices offers the support every individual needs to follow through with their decision for life through our Childbirth and Parenting classes. Our Baby Boutique provides them with material resources to support their life decision. Our advocates continue to be their friends and confidants, assisting them in every way possible to make their child’s journey into this world a safe and secure one! Please help us help them!

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Keep up with the amazing stories about what God is doing through the partners and staff at Positive Choices. Just a little info and we can stay in touch.

Stories for Life

“What kept me coming to Positive Choices. Because my relationship with my client advocate of our relationship Positive Choices was an outlet for me to come and talk, and feel loved.”

– Jillian (client)